Demystifying Instagram's Algorithm: Strategies to Boost Visibility

Demystifying Instagram's Algorithm: Strategies to Boost Visibility

What do Instagram's algorithm and technology have in common? Just when you think you’re starting to get a hang of it, it changes again. It's like trying to find Waldo, but the second you think you found him, he hides again.

Marketers, Content creators, Small business owners and everyone else all find themselves asking the same questions. How can I target people who are genuinely interested in my product? What is the best time to post? What content should I post? Is this still relevant? Do I post pictures or videos? How do I leverage this trend to gain some traction? and so many more.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place, I’m going to break it down for you in this blog and provide you with some actionable insights.

What is Instagram's Algorithm?

Contrary to popular belief, Instagram doesn’t just have one algorithm, it is actually a set of algorithms, clarifiers, and processes running simultaneously with each having their own function. What does that mean? It means that there is a separate algorithm for your Feed, Explore Page, Reels, Stories and so on. 

Instagram calls their algorithm, rankings. So each function of instagram has a set “ranking” towards it and works simultaneously with the others.

With the primary goal being to enhance user engagement and satisfaction by tailoring their experience, ensuring they remain immersed in the app for longer periods. Instagram's algorithm strives to curate a highly personalized feed, presenting users solely with content that resonates with their interests.

Have you ever searched for a particular topic on the Explore page or engaged with a few similar posts? You'll notice a trend: the more you interact with content you enjoy, the more prominently it appears in your Explore page and Feed. In essence, the app adapts to your preferences, showcasing more of what you love as you engage with it.

So, How Does The Instagram Algorithm Work In 2024?

Instagram's algorithm has undergone a series of transformations over the years, adapting to shifts in user behavior and content consumption trends. From prioritizing photos to reels and now emphasizing user experience and content quality, Instagram remains at the forefront of innovation. This continuous evolution reflects Instagram's commitment to staying ahead of the curve and delivering the best possible user experience. After all, in a world where change is the only constant, staying one step ahead is key to Instagram's algorithmic success.

Now, Let’s dive into what are these changes:


The algorithm can be divided into four part:

  • Interest: The Instagram algorithm evaluates how likely you are to engage with a post, based on your previous interactions with similar content.
  • Popularity: It also considers the post's popularity, looking at how quickly it receives likes, comments, shares, and saves, as well as the timing and location of the post.
  • Creator Information: The algorithm examines details about the poster, such as your past interactions with them and their posting frequency, to gauge how appealing their content might be to you.
  • Interaction History: Additionally, it factors in your previous interactions with a specific person to determine your level of interest in their posts.


The algorithm can be divided into three parts:

  • User Engagement: The Instagram algorithm assesses your interaction with an account's stories, including likes and direct messages.
  • Viewing Frequency: It also evaluates how frequently you view an account's stories, prioritizing those it believes you’re most interested in
  • Closeness: Finally, it considers your overall relationship with the account's author, determining the likelihood of you being close friends or family.


The algorithm can be divided into 4 parts:

  • User Activity: Initially, Instagram's algorithm examines your past behavior, including which reels you’ve liked, saved, shared, commented on, and engaged with recently.
  • Author Interaction: If you’ve interacted with the person who posted the reel before, it indicates your interest in their content to the algorithm.
  • Reel Information: The algorithm also considers elements like the audio track, video length, and caption text to gauge how engaging the reel might be for you.
  • Creator Information: Similar to the feed and Stories, the algorithm assesses your relationship with the poster to determine the relevance of their content to you.
  • Replays: The number of replays will be counted towards additional views, which means that creators might see a high number of views on their reels.
  • Watermarks: Any reel with watermarks like youtube, or tiktok or such will be ranked lower and will not have the same engagement as instagram wants its users to create unique and platform specific content, instead of adopting the strategy of one size fits all.

Explorer Page

The algorithm can be divided into 4 parts again:

  • Engagement: The Instagram algorithm evaluates a post's overall popularity by considering how many users have interacted with it within a short time frame. Instagram emphasizes that these engagement signals are more crucial for the Explore page than for the Feed or Stories.
  • Your Explore Activity: The algorithm also assesses your previous interactions with similar content to decide what to display on your Explore page.
  • Interaction History: Similar to other parts of Instagram, the algorithm takes into account your relationship with the poster and the extent of your interactions with them in recent weeks. On the Explore page, where you might not be as familiar with the poster, your past engagement with similar content is particularly important.
  • Creator Information: The algorithm examines how recently popular the poster has been, including the number of interactions their content has received. This helps ensure a diverse range of content from various creators appears on your Explore page.

Some other changes to their algorithm are:

Restricted Content: Teens on instagram will have restricted content, such as

  • Violent content
  • Content about self-harm or suicide
  • Content about eating disorders
  • Nudity or sexually explicit content
  • Content that includes restricted goods

Verified Tick: Users can now pay for their verified tick mark, these accounts also benefit from higher visibility and have other benefits such as access to a real agent for any customer support queries.

Some other important tips to make this algorithm play in your favor are:

  • Respect Community Guidelines
  • Post or schedule your content to be posted at the right time
  • Don’t hashtag dump and use only relevant hashtags
  • Post Consistently
  • Make Original Content, Don’t Recycle
  • Engage with your followers and engage with other accounts 
  • Track your analytics 

are just a few, that are important to remember.

Achieving success on Instagram isn't about one silver bullet—it's about embracing the insights shared above, truly understanding them, and using them to craft content that's genuine, engaging, and stands out.

While there's no magic formula, armed with the right knowledge, you'll be well on your way to hitting the 'like' button on your own success story before you know it!

So, here's to happy scrolling, and may the algorithm odds be ever in your favor!

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