Dark Social: Leveraging Private Messaging for Modern Marketing

Dark Social: Leveraging Private Messaging for Modern Marketing

You text a friend the link to a must-watch movie. You rave about a new restaurant in a Facebook Messenger chat. You share a helpful article on project management in a private LinkedIn message. Welcome to the realm of dark social.

Rest assured, dark social isn't the same as the infamous "dark web" with its nefarious activities. Instead, dark social represents the oldest form of social networking: private, untraceable communication between individuals.

Let's take an example, Whatsapp messaging, with over 2 billion users in 2023, it's safe to assume there is a lot of activity going on there where users are sharing, referring and making purchase decisions everyday. The kicker? None of it is traceable, marketers have no way of knowing where these visits, impressions or conversions are coming in efforts to optimize the source or track it. Additionally, they miss valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors, crucial for nurturing leads through the sales funnel.

What is Dark Social?

Initially introduced by Alexis C. Madrigal, the tech editor at Atlantic.com in 2012, Dark Social within marketing denotes the practice of sharing content through private channels that defy conventional tracking or measurement via standard analytics tools.

Some examples of private channels are:

  • Whatsapp
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • WeChat

What is Dark Social Traffic?

Dark Social traffic refers to visits to your website or landing pages that come from private shares on platforms like messaging apps or email. This type of traffic often shows up as direct traffic in analytics reports because it's difficult to trace its origin accurately.

Understanding Dark Social traffic is crucial for marketers as it provides insights into the performance of their content and campaigns. By identifying and tracking Dark Social traffic, businesses can gain a better understanding of their audience's interests and behaviors. This knowledge enables marketers to optimize their strategies effectively, leveraging valuable data that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Why is Dark Social Important?

Unseen Influence

There is a lot of content sharing that goes on behind the scenes through private channels such as messaging apps, where purchase decisions are made, this means that a lot of insights and data go unseen.

Authentic Influence

Building up on the previous points, these recommendations come from a trusted source, mostly friends and family who have used the product or are aware of the brand. This eliminated most of the barriers to a purchase decision.

Accurate Audience Insights

By tracking and understand Dark Social traffic, marketers can gain more accurate information about customer behaviors, preferences, and interests. This allows them to tailor their approach to create better marketing strategies.

Content Effectiveness

When monitoring what content is being shared on dark social, companies gain insight into what pieces of content works vs what isn't. This creates an opportunity to not only optimize content overall but also effectively manages company resources.

Optimizing Campaigns

Similarly, with better insight into Dark Social, marketers can launch campaigns tailorewd specifically towards Dark Social platforms. This helps ensure that no valuable data is overlooked and increases the success of the marketing campaign and project.

Competitive Advantage

Companies that effectively monitor and utilize dark social can gain a competitive advantage by obtaining a more complete understanding of their marketing impact and the consumer journey.

How to Track Dark Social?

Before we begin, its important to preface this by saying that you cannot 100% track all conversations, but you can still grab some valuable insights from the murky waters of Dark Social.

Use a URL Shortener

Using a shorter URL not only makes your posts look tidy but also gives you space to add your own tracking and other important information. For example:

Long URL: 


Short URL:


A UTM Link is simply a URL + Tracking information. This tracking information can be specific to the medium, date, source, and so on. There is no restriction or one way to create your own tracking link, it can be done in a way thats pacific and only applicable to your business.

Using referral links is another way to promote your content while incentivising the existing user and encouraging them to share your website/product.

Below is an example of what a short link + UTM looks like:


Create A Social Listening Strategy

It's important to create a social listening strategy which basically means to read and look for what consumers are saying about the brand, the products and services. There are tools that can be used to facilitate this process such as Hootsuite, QuickSearch and more.

Another approach is to use Hashtags, by tracking branded hashtags and mentions across social media platforms to identify indirect sharing.

Make Sharing Easy

The importance of making your content easy to share cannot be overstated. If the process is complicated, time-consuming, or requires unnecessary steps like taking screenshots, your content is unlikely to be shared. Here are some best practices to ensure your content is easily shareable:

Correct UTM Linking: Make sure all your content, including videos, images, and blogs, is properly linked with their respective UTM parameters for accurate tracking.

Visible Social Icons: Ensure social sharing icons are prominently displayed and include both popular and niche platforms.

Responsive Sharing Formats: Optimize the sharing format to be responsive and tailored to the specific medium chosen by the user, making the sharing process seamless and intuitive.

By implementing these strategies, you enhance the likelihood of your content being shared, increasing its reach and impact.

Create Your Own Dark Social Community

When I first encountered this concept, Reddit immediately came to mind. Brands can establish their own private communities to facilitate discussions and gather insights. Although creating a Dark Social Community is time-consuming and complex, it offers significant benefits once it becomes successful.

More companies are now utilizing platforms like Twitch, Reddit, and other high-traffic sites to build communities and strengthen relationships with their customers. This trend reflects the growing recognition of the importance of engaging with consumers in more intimate and direct settings, fostering stronger connections and deeper loyalty.

Be Transparent About Data Usage

In an era where concerns about digital footprints and personal data are at an all-time high, it's crucial to simplify the decision-making process and provide individuals with complete control over how their data is managed. When people are assured that their data will remain private and be used solely to enhance their experience, they are more inclined to share it.

Dark Social emerges as a powerful, yet often overlooked, force. As we decode its mysteries, we uncover not just hidden traffic and authentic advocacy, but invaluable insights into consumer behavior. By mastering the art of tracking and engagement in private channels, businesses can forge stronger connections, optimize strategies, and stay ahead in the competitive race. 

Embrace Dark Social as your ally in the quest for deeper engagement and measurable impact—it's where the future of marketing shines brightest.

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